What We're About
We are a non-profit Christian ministry organization that facilitates encounters and ongoing connection with God through worship, prayer, community, teaching, and the arts.
Our name comes from the Gospel passage of John 15 where Jesus presents an image of Himself as being the true vine, His Father as the vinedresser, and His followers as the branches. He taught that just as it is impossible for the branches of a vine to bear fruit–or even to remain alive–without remaining connected to the vine, it is also impossible for His followers to bear the fruit of Christ unless they abide in Him. From this passage, it becomes clear that learning how to "abide in Christ"–to connect with and remain connected to Christ–is extremely vital for a follower of Christ. It is this simple, yet crucial teaching that has inspired both our name and our aim.
We are not a "church" in the sense of being either a Christian institution or building-centered community, but we aim to be a living, fruit-bearing part of the "Church" as Christ's Body manifested on the earth through people who abide in Christ and in whom Christ abides as evidenced by the fruit of Christ's love for people and the light of His good works in their lives. Therefore, instead of being a church ourselves, we want to serve Christian communities as well as people who may or may not already be involved in or members of church organizations. We hope to form a network of people who value the pursuit of on-going connection with God through creative worship and prayer experiences, who find spiritual nourishment from our ministry, and who would like to participate with us and support us to make it possible. We want to find various Christian communities that need or could benefit from worship leaders or trainers in order to provide worship for church services, home-groups, ministry events, or retreats. We also envision having our own unique worship and prayer services, classes, workshops, and meetings held at various homes and places of worship; helping church organizations and home-groups to provide worship services and/or training where needed; and hosting or supporting spiritually nourishing arts and music events.